is a personal Deep Web Document Research Service for electronic product information. We help you to save time and money by finding your needed user manual or other product information. You will not get the document itself, but a Web Link where you can download it. Just use the contact form below to send us a search request for the document you are looking for.

Costs and delivery: the fee for a successful search starts at 9.99 USD. You will get a Paypal payment request only if our search was efficient and you want to get the results delivered. Shipping is completely free. After payment completion we will send you a download link to your e-mail adress. You will need Adobe Reader software to view or print it.

Your Email adress:
Your Name:

Your Search Request (please include manufacturer and model number):


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Schneider Technology Information Retrieval Office, Melbourne (Victoria), last edit 01/01/2012 - contact